
The Do’s And Don’ts of Eyebrows

If you’ve tried creating the perfect eyebrows, then you know how hard is it to achieve eyebrows on fleek every single time. It’s not uncommon to spend an hour or more just doing your brows and still end up not satisfied with how it looks. So to help you out, here are very helpful do’s and don’t tips to make sure you have natural-looking brows the next time around.

1. Don’t brush the hair in the wrong direction.

We often have the tendency to brush eyebrow hair following its shape. Well, that’s not really the right way to comb through it. Instead, do use a brow clear gel and brush the hair up.

2. Don’t use the wrong brush.

If you haven’t noticed, eyebrow brushes are actually quite thick. And when you use them on your brows, you will apply too much product that makes it look very unnatural. Not to mention, the thick eyebrow brush can also create heavy lines which can easily mess up the look. What you need to do is use a thin, narrow brush like a winged liner brush as it creates thinner lines and makes it easier to comb through the brows.

3. Don’t use something too dark.

To achieve natural-looking brows, do go for shades that are two shades lighter than your natural hair color. Go for pencil or powder eyebrow products since they’re easier to work with and create a more natural look.

4. Don’t start at the beginning of your brows.

Many people make the mistake of creating that box at the beginning of the brows right away. Stop that now. What you need to do is start on the arch and lightly feather back to the tail end of the brows. After that, work on the starting point of the brows.

5. Don’t draw a line.

What people do is create that line right away to serve as a guide on how to fill in the brows. Instead, do feather-light strokes to create natural-looking brows.

Other tips:

  • If you want to carve out the brows, use a shade similar to your undereye concealer under the brows. To emphasize the arch on top, use a darker shade of concealer.
  • Don’t forget to use a spoolie to dissipate any harsh or patchy spots on the brows.
  • Practice makes perfect. To achieve perfect brows, you have to keep practicing!

And there you have it, the essential do’s and don’ts to have eyebrows on fleek. We hope this quick guide will help you correct the mistakes you’ve been doing in the past. And hopefully, you will feel more confident in your eyebrow drawing skills from now on, too! 

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