
How Dermplaning Can Bring Out Your Glowing Skin

Whether you’d like to admit or not, women shave their faces from time to time. There’s no shame in it! But if you want to know the benefits of shaving the face here are the steps and reasons why.

What Is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is an exfoliation procedure done by a professional aesthetician or dermatologist. He/she uses a scalpel to shave the skin’s top-most layer to remove fine hair (aka baby hair or peach fuzz) and dead skin. This procedure works best when topical treatments are applied after. To get the most out of the procedure, make sure your skin is completely dry.

What Are the Step in Dermplaning?

You might want to follows this 4-step dermaplaning process.

Step 1: Clean and Dry

The aesthetician will remove any trace of makeup with cleansing oil and follow it up with Clarisonic cleansing to make sure the skin doesn’t have any trace of dirt and impurities. After that, he/she will dry the skin thoroughly.

Step 2: Strat Shaving

When the skin is 100% dry, the aesthetician will now use a 10-blade sterilized scalpel and make small upward strokes starting in the forehead. This will remove the dead skin cells and baby hair.

Step 2: Soap Peel Microdermabrasion

Now that the face is clean and soft as a baby’s bum, the aesthetician will use soap peel microdermabrasion as this will simultaneously exfoliate with the diamond tip. The diamond tip is a closed vacuum system that will infuse the skin with corrective serum and suck out any remaining dead skin cell left. This step is very helpful in hydrating the skin.

Step 3: Apply the TCA Peel

The trichloroacetic peel will feel spicier on the skin because it’s freshly exfoliated. You will feel a tingling sensation in about 3-5 seconds after application. Don’t worry, your aesthetician will use a cooling roller on the skin to calm it down.

Step 4: Do Oxygen Therapy

The aesthetician will finish the procedure with oxygen therapy to further calm the skin down. This infuses the skin with additional hydration. He/she will also apply topical serums and moisturizer.

The Benefits of Dermaplaning

Dermeplaning instantly brightens the skin and smoothes skin out, making makeup application easier. The skin also feels a lot softer after the procedure.

Another benefit is that dermaplanning is not painful; it’s actually a gentler way to exfoliate. There are no reported problems of having breakouts, too.

Dermplanning helps with improving the dryness of the skin. Since it removes the dead skin cells, your skin can now absorb nutrients from the topicals after.

Some Tips and Reminders

  • Don’t wash the face for 10 hours after the procedure since the peel self neutralizes.
  • Don’t exercise 24 hours post-procedure.
  • If you feel any kind of sensitivity, combine hydrocortisone and aloe and mix in equal parts. Apply the mixture twice a day.
  • Stay away from retinol, alpha and beta hydroxy acids for a week.

If you want to bring out your glowing skin without the pain and hassle, there’s no reason not to try dermaplanning. It’s proven effective in brightening skin and making the skin so much softer. Do take note that dermaplanning can only be done by a professional, so please don’t attempt to perform this procedure alone at home.

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