
Find the Perfect Hairstyle for Your Face Shape

Have you wondered what the best hairstyle is for your face shape? As they say, your hair is your crowning glory but it should complement your face, too. Today, you’re going to hit two birds with one stone because we’ll talk about determining your face shape, and then narrowing down the hairstyles that will and will not look good on you.

What’s Your Face Shape?

An easy way to determine your face shape is to outline it. Start by tying your hair back. Get a dry erase marker and look in front of the mirror. Draw the outline of your face and step back. Now check below for your face shape:

  • Round/Square – The jaw and the forehead are almost the same size; the cheeks also have no definite start and end points.
  • Heart/Diamond – To fall into these two face shapes, the outline shows a tapered chin. The heart has a pointier chin, while the diamond tapers up the forehead and also is widest at the cheek area.

Oval shapes are rounder on the forehead and jawline with the cheeks slightly larger in size than the forehead and chin. This is the ideal face shape as any hairstyle will look good on it.

What’s the Best Hairstyle for You?

You now more or less have an idea of what your face shape is. So, it’s time to talk about the best hairstyle that will suit you.

  • Round Face

It’s not always true that you can’t wear a bob when you have a round face. As long as the bob length is below the chin, that will cut up the roundness of the face. Avoid any haircut above the jaw as well as layers that go toward the face as this emphasize the roundness.

  • Square Face

A square face shape is heavier on top, so you’ll want to avoid any hairstyle that adds volume on top of the head. What you need are waves to add volume to the bottom part of the head, plus do a side part to break the symmetry in the forehead. Go for a length below a jaw so it will break the horizontal line around the jawline.

  • Heart Shape

For the heart shape, long waves are also great because it gives balance to the look (the curves vs the tapered chin). Layers going toward the face that hug the chin is also good to overshadow the pointy chin.

  • Diamond Face Shape

If you have this face shape, stay away from side set bangs. You need to add more volume to the top as well since the forehead is tapered. Hair length up to the chin will be great and make sure to add volume in the jawline area to balance out the tapered chin. Bouncy curls will look fantastic!

What About Bangs?

Bangs look great on certain face shapes. For the square face shape, the straight across bangs will slice half the face so it will hide that boxy forehead. For the heart shape, side-swept bangs are great because it compresses the face a bit and not emphasize the length.

For the round shape, the best bangs are the ones that are pushed up the sides. This covers the corners of the face and slashes out a part of the face, too, reducing its roundness. The high point of the bangs also adds length.

Have you found your face shape and the best hairstyle? It’s time for a makeover then! Just remember, use your face shape as a guide, but it shouldn’t be the be-all-end-all. Talk to your stylist and don’t forget to experiment with different looks, too. What matters is feeling confident about your look so you can feel good!

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